How To Setup Treasury Blogger Template

 Treasury Blogger Template

Treasury is all purpose Blogging blogger theme which can be used for all your blogs like travel, food, life, programming, everyday, fashion and everything you want to blog about. Treasury Blogger Template gives you the power to customize your blog with just a click of the mouse, so all you have to care about is telling your stories in your favorite way. Promag is equipped with various of widgets which will help you to publish your blog more professionally. To make it easy for you we have published this detailed documentation, so that you can setup your blog correctly.
You have made a good decision by choosing our template. You can check the live demo or download the template through the button below and also Please Read this documentation carefully in order to set up your blog and please note that there’s no support for free users.

Video Documentation

You can check this below video to understand the setup process much more easily, just click the below image to watch the video directly on YouTube, or click this link - How To Setup Treasury Blogger Template - SoraTemplates

Top/Bottom Social Widget 

Go to your blogger dashboard > Layout > click Edit link on Top Social widget.

In the "New Site Name" field replace the word "facebook" with any social media website (twitter, youtube, google-plus, etc...).

Note: keep in mind that this template uses the "Font Awesome" service for the icons. 

Follow this link for the complete set of icons that this service provides: "" .

Top Menu Widget 

Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on Top Menu Widget.

Image Example:

Main Menu/DropDown

Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on Main Menu widget.

Normal Link : DropDown
Sub Link: _Sub Link 1


Now what if you want a mega menu? that is easy to do. Look at the picture below.

All you have to do is to insert a label name in the first field and the word "mega" in the second field.

Slider Widget 

Access your blog Layout > click Edit link.

then you have three options to enter in the content box:

  • no: If you don't want the Slider to show on your website, all you have to do is to enter "no" in the content box.
  • [recent]: The Slider will show the most recent posts (pay attention to the square brackets).
  • Label name: The Slider will show the most recent posts of this specific label name (Note: keep in mind that label names are case sensitive. So for example "tech" is not the same as "Tech" or "TECH").

Image Example:

Home Widget

Click on "Add A Gadget" then choose "HTML/Javascript".

This template have 4 home boxes/styles to choose from.

These are "bsummary", "twocolumns", "grids" and "bleft".

Here is how you can setup the widgets:

[label name][one of the boxes/styles mentioned above]

For example: [technolgy][bleft] 

Image Example:

For example: [nature][bsummary] 

Image Example:

For example: [food][grids] 

Image Example:

For example: [people][twocolumns]

Image Example:

Note: you can change the default number of posts for the "twocolumns" boxes/styles. Here is how: 

1- Go to your template dashboard then click on "Template" then "Edit HTML".

2- Click anywhere inside the window that shows the HTML content then press "ctrl + f" and search for
twocolumnsPostsNum = 6 
Change the numbers "6" to anything else.

Extra widgets 

This template has 2 custom widgets:

Access your blog Layout > Click on "Add A Gadget" then choose "HTML/Javascript".

  • Social Counter

Click on "Add A Gadget" then choose "HTML/Javascript".
In the "content" area insert the following:
[socialcounter] [social media website name][link for social profile][any number] 
Look at the following picture:

  • Recent Post

Click on "Add A Gadget" then choose "HTML/Javascript".
In the "content" area insert the following:
Look at the following picture:

Note: The default number of posts that will be shown by the "recent posts" widget is 5. 

To change that you can search
sidebarRecentPostsNum = 5
Change the number "5" to anything else.

Facebook Page Plugin:

<center><div id="fb-root"></div>
<script>(function(d, s, id) {
  var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
  if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
  js = d.createElement(s); = id;
  js.src = "//";
  fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>
<div class="fb-page" data-href="" data-width="350" data-height="230" data-hide-cover="false" data-show-facepile="true" data-show-posts="false"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"></div></div></center>
or you can follow this tutorial if above method won't work

Theme Colors

Access your blog Template > click Customize.
Here is where you can change the main color of the model, using your favorite colors.

Installation And Custom Services

We provide plenty of templates for free but if you want something unique for your blog then let us create a unique design for your blog, Just tell us your needs and we will convert your dream design into reality. We also Provide Blogger Template Installation Service. Our Installation service gives you a simple, quick and secure way of getting your template setup without hassle.